In the specific case of large families it is necessary to present, to any Hife staff that require it, the ID or passport along with the original supporting document or certified copy that justifies it. In addition, it is necessary that the effective date is updated at the time of accessing the bus.
There are 2 large family categories.
- The Category of Large Family of First or General entitles you to benefit from a 20% discount on the ticket.
- The Category of Honor family or special entitles you to benefit from a 50% discount on the ticket.
Large Family discounts cannot be accrued to other existing promotions.
In the purchase and use of such tickets (large family, single-parent families, etc...) it is essential that the traveler has the current document proving that he is the beneficiary of such a discount. At the time of accessing the bus, the traveler must show the said document to the driver next to the ticket. The absence of invalidity of being out of validity of the accreditation document for obtaining the discount implies the total loss of the amount of the ticket and the inability to travel with it. In case of non-compliance with this requirement, our staff is obliged to prevent the use of the ticket and under no circumstances can the economic difference be paid having to purchase another full ticket if you wish to travel. Available discounts vary depending on each concession or line. The conditions for cancellation and exchange of discounted tickets are exactly the same as for all other tickets taking into account that the accumulation of the discount with any promotion may vary those conditions. We remind you to always consult and accept the conditions of the promotion before purchasing the ticket.