The transport of bicycles on the bus is arranged by e-mail ttortosa@hife.es, at least 72 hours before the date of the journey.
Our coaches have luggage compartments with different sizes and capacities, therefore, the number of bicycles allowed on our regular lines is 1-5 bicycle per expedition.
The transport of bicycles is subject to a supplement on the ticket price. The cost of transporting bicycles is €3 per unit, except on full journeys in Catalonia, where transport is free of charge.
Bicycles must be in a condition to travel without causing damage or soiling other luggage or packages, and must be packed in some kind of box or bag for transport or, failing that, the chain area must be insulated with plastic to avoid soiling or damaging the rest of the luggage, and it is advisable, in case of space requirements, to remove the front wheel so that they take up less space.
Only folding bicycles marketed as such are exempt from payment on all our routes. Folding bicycles are defined as bicycles with hinges or elbows on the frame and handlebars that allow them to be folded and with wheels 20 inches in diameter or smaller, which allows them to be transported in their specific bag.
Preferential access to the bus is intended for passengers and their luggage, therefore, in the event of demand for this service, priority will be given to accessibility for passengers travelling without a bicycle.
Hife reserves the right not to allow or vary the accessibility of passengers with bicycles, favouring the access of passengers with luggage or with special mobility needs. As we do not know the previous state of maintenance and conditions of your bicycle and/or mobile material (electric scooters, folding bicycles, etc...) our company is not responsible for any damage that may arise on the occasion of your transfer.